Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Six Months as a Fulbright

My official time as a Fulbright scholar ended on February 15th. Some people have been curious about what I have been doing during the past 6 months, so I came up with a general list. It does not include paperwork, project proposals, studio and writing time, commuting by boat, family duties, family travel, or specific art projects. Some of those things are pretty well documented on my blogs. I will write more about the creative work when more pieces are closer to finished. There are many things upcoming and in process, including speaking at a conference in Philadelphia in June.

Fulbright Norway

Fulbright Orientation
August 25 & 26, 2008 at the
Nobel Institute

Fulbright Potlucks

Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony
December 10, 2008

Fulbright Seminar & Ski Retreat
February 12-15, 2009


The Oslo School of Architecture and Design:

September 5, 2008
Lecture to PhD Program:
Art Practice as Research – Case Study: Cyborg Mommy

September 29, 2008
Lecture to Industrial Design Masters Program:
Identity and the Data Body

October 20, 2008
Lecture/workshop to PhD Program:
Research Aids: Web 2.0 applications for data collection and mind mapping

November 3, 2008
Lecture/workshop to PhD Program:
Blogging as a researcher, designer and educator

December 4, 2008
Research by Design, An AHO Research Seminar
The Mobile Manifesto: a work in process

March 23, 2008
Lecture to Interactive Design Masters Program,
Mobile Misuse: Tactical Nomadic Storytelling

UiO Main Library

University of Oslo:

GRIG - Guild for mixed reality integrators & generators (annual meeting)
A group of European artistic and cultural operators creating & researching mixed reality works that intertwine digital media & physical materials, objects & spaces.
Presentation on Mobile Misuse, Dec. 3, 2008


Høgskulen i Volda (Volda University College):

Ulsteinseminaret, December 8-9, 2008
Informasjonsutdanninga ved Avdeling for Mediefag
Interactive Design Education: The precarious balance between theory and practice
(seminar participation and presentation)

Smart Mobs and Mobile Media Workshop, January 20-22, 2009
Three day hands-on workshop for undergraduate students in the Media and Journalism program.

Data Forensics [in the landscape]

Artist’s Residency

Atelier Nord, March 2-20, 2009
Project production support for Tactical Nomadic Storytelling
“Atelier Nord is a project base for unstable art forms, such as electronic and new media art. Our aim is to create better conditions for these art forms, and to maintain a critical reflection in relation to them. Our work consists of producing and supporting projects that promote these goals.”


Journal of Artists’ Books
“I (heart) DIY CMYK,” JAB25 (Spring 2009)
JAB25 focuses on offset printing, guest-edited by Tony White.


Performing the Art
Mobile Misuse

Conferences/Workshops/Lectures Attended
(not including the ones at which I presented)

Intermedia, Universitetet i Oslo
September 25, 2008
Intermedia’s 10th Anniversary Celebration (lectures, posters, reception)

Transmedia Literacy and Identity Development
Jay Lemke at UiO, October 9, 2008

Social Web and Learning Conference
Universitetet i Oslo, October 16th, 2008
Keynotes: danah boyd and Neil Selwyn

Atelier Nord
Data Forensics in the Landscape
November 6-8, 2008

Monday, February 23, 2009

Drawing Again

iPod Drawings

When I work on projects that take weeks, months or years, I often long for some more immediate, tangible, creative outlet. During the past few months I have been wanting to draw again (partly inspired by rereading Annie Dillard’s books.) Not the life model, still life sort of drawing in which I was trained in art school, or the sketching of ideas in my notebook kind of drawing, but something that would develop out of my imagination over time. I picked up a foundation drawing book while we were in Stockholm and have been quite inspired from the simple start-from-the-beginning approach. This has coincided with the installation of a couple of free drawing applications on my iPod touch. I love the small size and the somewhat extreme limitations of the application I am using. Perhaps, if I am successful at this new outlet, I will fork over some money for a more sophisticated drawing application. For now, this is enough. They are crude (imagine drawing with your finger) and I am still exploring using only black & white, like those early years in design classes. Drawing anywhere and anytime. I like how this act of drawing on a mobile device ties in with the Mobile Misuse research and projects. This is so much fun. Don’t worry, I’m not letting it get in the way of those big projects that take forever...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fulbright Ski Weekend

Fulbright Norway Ski Weekend 2009
What an amazing conclusion to my Fulbright residency in Norway. Last Thursday twenty of the Fulbright scholars and students gave 15 minutes presentations on their research and then we all attended a reception at the US Ambassador’s residence. It was quite a marathon day. The next morning we left Oslo in a deluxe tour bus that took us north of Lillehammer to Skeikampen.

Some went skiing (cross country and down hill), some went snow shoeing, some walking, some for massages, some went swimming and we all met up at meals and in the common areas. It gave us time to get to know each other better, a chance to celebrate and a chance to share our experiences of living and working in Norway. There were three kids in the group – two that are nine and one ten year old – one boy and two girls. The kids were inseparable – they went skiing together, played together, ate all their meals together and sat for hours on the bus together.

Now we are back in Flaskebekk and it is snowing. School is out this week for Winter vacation, but B has a work deadline, so we will be sticking close to home. There will be skiing and excursions in between the work hours. This week I am regrouping, preparing and planning for the last 5 weeks of my work here. I need to be organized and on top of things in order to complete one of my projects by March 20th. We are also trying to do a little planning for the move back. Preparing to leave is a melancholy thing, but there is no place like home...

Photos on Flickr

Monday, February 9, 2009

Telling time by ferries.

DFDS at dusk

The Princessen arrives at Flaskebekk Brygge (the dock here) at 8:05am. The DFDS slides by on it’s way into Oslo from Copenhagen at 9:15 am and the Colorline comes shortly after that from Kiehl, Germany. At about 3:15 pm the Colorline glides past on it’s way out of Oslo harbor and the DFDS follows at 5:15 pm. The Stena Line leaves Oslo harbor at about 6:30 pm on it’s way to Denmark. They are quiet. There is a low purr that I have come to recognize over time and I find I must look out to see the ship, just as I might look at the hands of a clock to reckon my hunch at the time.

Ferries in the Summer (2005 or 04?)

Friday, February 6, 2009



I have been having the hardest time getting myself to write a blog post. Too much on my mind, too much to do and too much news. I need to focus on preparing my presentation for a Fulbright seminar next Thursday and then all the Fulbrighters are going on a ski weekend to Lillehammer. The trip to Stockholm was fantastic and I want to write about that. Projects are proceeding and I want to write about that. BUT the biggest news is that we have decided to go back to the US on March 31st. That’s right, in less than two months.

My official time as a Fulbrighter ends on February 15. We were unable to get approval from Norwegian Immigration for me to stay through the summer (long story that involves much paperwork and bureaucracy) and on the other side, US Immigration will require that B apply for a re-entry visa if he stays out of the country past June 12. A’s passport expires in May, which means that we would have to make several trips to the US Embassy to take care of more paperwork and bureaucracy. We have actually been through enormous amounts of paperwork and bureaucracy just to get through the Fulbright application process and to live here in Norway - comparable to what we went through for B’s US resident alien status 15 years ago. We are completely burned out on it. We are homesick and often lonely. A is really longing for her old life and her old school. I think we have all gotten what we came for from the experience... It has been a damn hard decision to make and we are very disappointed that we won’t get to spend the summer here, but we will get to do new and different things this summer...

I’m going to start on the final Norway edition of PB’s Newsy News when we get back from Lillehammer, so I will go into more detail in the newsletter.

OK. Gotta get back to work now. The hour glass has broken and the sand is pouring out much faster than we anticipated...